# *********************************************************
# file: mysql.inc.sh
# date: 2008-11-03 14:56
# author: (c) by Marko Schulz - <info@tuxnet24.de>
# description: Little mysql library for bash.
# *********************************************************
# # Load this file in your main script:
# test -f ./mysql.inc.sh && source ./mysql.inc.sh || exit 1
# # Update table 'users'.
# if ! rc_mysql_query "UPDATE" "$dbHostname" "$dbUsername" \
# "$dbPassword" "$dbDatabase" \
# "UPDATE users SET email='info@test.de' WHERE id=1" ; then
# echo "MySQL Statement fehlgeschlagen!"
# fi
# # Select all rows from table 'users'.
# rows=$( rc_mysql_query "SELECT" "$dbHostname" \
# "$dbUsername" "$dbPassword" \
# "$dbDatabase" "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id ASC" )
# # Convert the result '$rows' in an array row[].
# mysql_fetch_rows "$rows"
# # Loop array row[] and split line by pipe character.
# for (( i=0; i<${#row[@]}; i++ )); do
# id=$( echo ${row[$i]} | cut -d'|' -f1 )
# username=$( echo ${row[$i]} | cut -d'|' -f3 )
# echo "\$id: $id; \$username: $username"
# done
# # This sample get the next insert id of the auto_increment field of table 'users'.
# nextid=$( rc_mysql_nextid "$dbHostname" "$dbUsername" "$dbPassword" "$dbDatabase" "users" )
# *********************************************************
# This function send a MySQL query. For type of SQL statements
# like, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, rc_mysql_query()
# returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error. For other type
# of SQL statements like SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN
# rc_mysql_query() returning the result.
function rc_mysql_query () {
local status=$1
local hostname=${2:-"localhost"}
local username=$3
local password=$4
local database=$5
local query=$6
local error="/tmp/mysql_query.err"
# Execute the statement INSERT|UPDATE|REPLACE|DELETE|DROP and return the number of affected rows from ROW_COUNT().
if [ "$status" = "INSERT" -o "$status" = "UPDATE" -o "$status" = "REPLACE" -o "$status" = "DELETE" -o "$status" = "DROP" ]; then
local res=$( mysql --user=$username \
--password=$password \
--database=$database \
--host=$hostname \
--line-numbers --no-beep -Bse "$query; SELECT ROW_COUNT();" 2>$error )
# Return true if affected rows greater than 0.
##[ "$res" -ne 0 ] && true || false
# Return true if no error in error file.
if [ "$( cat $error | wc -l )" -ne 0 ]; then
[ -f "$error" ] && rm -f $error; false
[ -f "$error" ] && rm -f $error; true
# Execute the statement and return the result.
local res=$( mysql --user=$username \
--password=$password \
--database=$database \
--host=$hostname \
--line-numbers --no-beep --column-names -Bse "$query" 2>$error )
# Return the result if no error in error file.
if [ "$( cat $error 2>/dev/null | wc -l )" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -f "$error" ]; then
cat $error; rm -f $error; exit 1
echo -e "$res"
# *********************************************************
# This function call the MySQL statement (SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '<TABLENAME>')
# and return the value of a defined key (e.g. auto_increment).
function rc_mysql_status () {
local hostname=${1:-"localhost"}
local username=$2
local password=$3
local database=$4
local table=$5
local object=$6
local error="/tmp/mysql_status.err"
# Execute the statement and return the result.
local res=$( mysql --user=$username \
--password=$password \
--database=$database \
--host=$hostname \
--column-names --skip-auto-rehash -Be "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$table'" 2>$error )
# Return the value of the defined key if no error in file.
if [ "$( cat $error 2>/dev/null | wc -l )" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -f "$error" ]; then
cat $error; rm -f $error; exit 1
echo -e "$res" | \
perl -ne '
use strict;
use vars qw( $obj @data );
my @tmp = split( /\s+/, $_ );
push( @data, [@tmp] );
my $index=0;
for my $x ( 0 .. ($#data+1) ) {
foreach my $y( 0 .. (@{$data[$x]}+1) ) {
$index = $y if ( lc($data[0][$y]) eq "$obj" );
print $data[1][$index]."\n";
# *********************************************************
# This function convert the raw returned mysql data as
# an numeric array row[]. This is an simulated two
# dimensional array seperated by pipe character.
# row[0]="1|Fred Feuerstein|ffeuerstein|ffeuerstein@feuerstein.com"
# row[1]="2|Barney Geroellheimer|bgeroellheimer|bgeroellheimer@feuerstein.com"
function mysql_fetch_rows () {
local data="$*"
# This perl snippet convert the raw data in array row[].
array=$( echo -e "$data" | perl -ne '
BEGIN { $i=0; }
# We jump to the next line if this is a empty line.
next if $_ =~ m/^$/;
# Remove newlines, spaces and other charcters.
$_ = conv_chars( $_ );
# Convert the entry like this: "one","two","tree"
$_ =~ s/\t+/\|/g;
# Print out to STDOUT.
print "row[".$i."]=\"".$_."\"\n";
sub conv_chars {
my $txt=shift;
$txt =~ s/\cM\n//g;
$txt =~ s/\n\cM//g;
$txt =~ s/\cM//g;
$txt =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $txt;
' )
# To use the array row[] in this script
# we have to eval this ;-)
eval $array
# *********************************************************
# This function return the next insert id of an
# auto_increment field of the defined mysql table.
function rc_mysql_nextid () {
local hostname=${1:-"localhost"}
local username=$2
local password=$3
local database=$4
local table=$5
rc_mysql_status "$dbHostname" "$dbUsername" "$dbPassword" "$dbDatabase" "$table" "auto_increment"
# *********************************************************