# *********************************************************
# file: array.inc.sh
# date: 08.10.2004
# author: (c) by Marko Schulz - <info@tuxnet24.de>
# description: Little array library for bash.
# *********************************************************
# load this file in your main script:
# test -f ./array.lib && . ./array.lib || exit 1
# to initialize the array
# declare -a array=( one two three )
# declare -a array2=( four five six )
# echo "Display array (original) => ${array[@]}"
# add a second array to the end of first array - array_push
# array=( $( array_push ${array[@]} ${array2[@]} ) )
# echo "Display array (array_push) => ${array[@]}"
# delete last element from array - array_pop
# array=( $( array_pop ${array[@]} ) )
# echo "Display array (array_pop) => ${array[@]}"
# delete first element from array - array_shift
# array=( $( array_shift ${array[@]} ) )
# echo "Display array (array_shift) => ${array[@]}"
# merge one or more arrays together - array_merge
# array3=( $( array_merge "${array[@]}" "${array2[@]}" ) )
# echo "Display array (array_merge) => ${array3[@]}"
# check if the string 'nine' is in array 'array2' - in_array
# if in_array "nine" "$array2" ; then
# echo "The string 'nine' already exists."
# fi
# Convert the string "Fred,Barney,Wilma,Betty" into array users[]
# declare -a users=( $(explode "," "Fred,Barney,Wilma,Betty") )
# echo ${users[2]}
# *********************************************************
# add element to end of array => push
function array_push() {
local -a tmp=( $@ )
echo ${tmp[@]}
# *********************************************************
# delete a element from end of array => pop
function array_pop() {
local -a tmp=( $@ )
unset tmp[${#tmp[@]}-1]
echo ${tmp[@]}
# *********************************************************
# delete a element from begin of array => shift
function array_shift() {
local index=0
local -a tmp=( $@ )
# delete first element
unset tmp[0]
# move index of array one forward
for i in ${tmp[@]}; do
let index=$index+1
# delete last element, otherwise available double
unset tmp[${#tmp[@]}-1]
echo ${tmp[@]}
# *********************************************************
# merge one or more arrays together => array_merge
function array_merge() {
declare -a a=( $( echo $* ) )
echo ${a[@]}
# *********************************************************
# checks if a value exists in an array => in_array
function in_array() {
local str=$1; shift
declare -a array=( $( echo $@ ) )
for (( i=0; i<${#array[*]}; i++ )); do
[ "${array[$i]}" = "$str" ] && return 0
return 1
# *********************************************************
# Split a string by a string into an arryay
function explode() {
local separator=$1; shift
local string=$1
local -a array
local OIFS=$IFS
read -d '' -r -a array <<< "${string}"
echo -n "${array[@]}"
# *********************************************************
# end of this library...